Drew Marconi is an experienced leader of operations and finance teams who decided to bring his knowledge into the ecommerce space to help merchants increase their margins.
In this episode, our host, Adii Pienaar, and Drew discuss why brands need to build a culture of testing and iteration and how this can help them achieve more with their resources.
““You need to figure out in this environment what price maximizes the yield from your business, what price is gonna find the sweet spot of conversion rate, the profit you’re making per order, and the right types of customers. You can’t sit and wait and see for a year anymore. Testing around prices helps you make the most of your time, and figure out that answer before it’s too late."Drew Marconi, founder of Intelligems
Drew Marconi is the founder of Intelligems. With an economics degree from Yale, it is no surprise that he led McKinsey’s operations and finance team in New York City in 2016.
Drew then joined Via, a ride-sharing company in NYC, where he became the VP of Marketplace operations and learned about dynamic pricing algorithms. This is where he met his co-founder Adam Kitain. Later, Drew and Adam decided to go out on their own and bring their learning, mindset, and toolkit to ecommerce operators through Intelligems.
Connect with Drew on: LinkedIn | Twitter
Intelligems is a powerful revenue optimization tool for ecommerce brands to increase sales and improve margins.
Pricing is multi-dimensional, and having a team of data analysts constantly running tests to generate rapid insights for your business is unrealistic. This inability to run tests often leads to leaving money on the table.
Intelligems makes integrating and launching new tests easy so you can focus on increasing profit. It gives you access to optimization tools that power the growth and profitability of companies like Amazon and Uber.
No more finger-in-the-wind approach to pricing. With Intelligems, you can achieve 5-20% more profit in your store.
Learn more about Intelligems on: LinkedIn | Website
In today’s episode, Adii Pienaar and Drew Marconi discuss the need for brands to be more dynamic. In this conversation, they dive deep into retention methods, increasing margins, and making more with what you already have. Here are the highlights: